About CAS Ad

CAS Ad was founded in 1992. We are in the signage, custom shop display, and fit-out business. Our workmen are skilled in a wide range of materials and fabrication methods. We can build to specifications or we can design and build what you required.

We are working towards a quality management program. The management is committed to set out processes and procedures required for our core business operations. The target areas of our continuous quality improvement are error reduction, safety, and customer service.

We are aspired to create a good company. We believe that the fundamental of a good company is a high quality relationship with our co-workers, customers, suppliers, and subcontractors. For us, TRUST, RESPECT, CLARITY are the three core guiding principles to help us in achieving our objectives.

We thank you for your interest in CAS Ad.


We provide a full range of signage products: pylon, box-up, neon, LED, light box, billboard, inkjet mural, road sign, architectural sign, plaque, door sign, etc.

Shop Display

Our acrylic, steel, and carpentry productions can fabricate custom product show case, standee, display, cabinet, counter, furnishing and other interior fittings for showrooms and retail outlets.


We undertake fit-out contracts for commercial and residential space with full job scope.

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